Meet Everyday Heroes Nominated by You!

Everyday Hero photo

Jason Dady


San Antonio, TX

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Chef Jason Dady helped create Titans of Tailgate which is a partnership with Culinaria to benefit San Antonio High Schools’ needs! This event directly benefited San Antonio schools by supporting culinary education in those schools. Whether that is equipment, funding for knives and prep materials. In addition, during the Covid 19 crisis, Chef Dady and Culinaria put together a HospitALLity House, which served meals to hospitality workers who have been laid off, had their hours cut, or lost their jobs completely. Chef Dady served hot meals to workers one-by-one at Alamo BBQ Co. at 511 E. Grayson St.

Kerry nominated an Everyday Hero, Jason Dady, for #EverydayHero #InJoy @Stsupery to celebrate their volunteer contributions to and #givingback. Celebrate and share on social media today!
