Planting Instructions: Direct sow ½” deep when soil temps reach 70 degrees. You can sow until the end of July. 50-60 days until maturity. Succession sow for different bloom times
Depth: ½” Sun: full Spacing: 4-6” Sprout: 7-14 days Temp:70-90°F
Planting tip: If you’re looking to add some diversity to your garden while still reaping the benefits of sunflowers, consider planting sunflower companion plants. These plants can not only enhance the aesthetics of your garden but also improve the overall health of your sunflowers. Try planting Marigolds, Zinnias, Cosmos and Nasturtiums. By planting sunflower companion plants, you can increase biodiversity and encourage beneficial insects and microorganisms to thrive. Vegetable companion plants include corn, beans, cucumbers and squash. Sunflower Seed Salsa Verde Recipe