People & Community
Within the immediate community and beyond, St. Supéry works to make a lasting difference and have deepened their community commitment. Examples include the Celebration of Everyday Heroes, Napa Valley Community Foundation and direct charitable support, Giving Tuesday’s guest speakers and celebration of philanthropic entrepreneurs, public recognition of Sustainable Seafood advocates and the many philanthropies supported are making the world better. The philosophy is to approach each other with care and compassion, focusing on similarities and embracing differences, to help people and make our planet a better place. Through involvement and actions, people are empowered to consider how their choices can make an environmental and community impact, from recycling, composting or choosing sustainably sourced seafood or simply helping a neighbor.
Employees drive our sustainability efforts with monthly our Green Team meetings to execute and follow through on initiatives. It is truly a team effort! Through strong leadership, training opportunities, professional growth and experience, our employees and organization continuously improves. St. Supéry strives to overcome inequities with fair and structured processes for hiring, management and development.
With each bottle sold of the 2020 St. Supéry Napa Valley Estate Sauvignon Blanc, $5 was donated directly to the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund, committing to a contribution of more than $100,000. We recognize the need to replenish the fund as it continues offering community support.